As manufacturer specialized in manufacturing of Antimony trioxide and Non-Halogen Flame Retardant,Since 2000, JIEFU have pioneered the manufacturing of flame retardant masterbatches in China.JIEFU initiated from custom flame retardant compounding of all commodity and engineering plastics to technologically sound production of fiame retardant masterbatches under the brand name JIEFU masterbatches.

Friday, April 25, 2008

China antimony market: Weekly comment--May Day holiday

After several weeks of slack in trade, China local antimony market is returning to a balance due to rising demand and supply shortage in antimony ore.

Recently small-scale antimony plants in Hunan Province have stopped operation. As a result, a decrease in production has led to a certain stabilization of antimony prices.

Besides antimony producers began to build inventories before May Day holiday.

However, despite the firmer demand, traders made few deals this week as most of antimony ingot manufacturers are waiting for higher prices.

In the previous week, tax-inclusive price of the No2 antimony ingot on Chinese domestic market was RMB41,500 per metric ton. Antimony trioxide was quoted at RMB37,000-37,500 per metric ton.

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